Microverse One 2020

Microverse One is a once in a year conference that gathers Alumni , Learners and potential Employers together and proves that those digital beings you see via digital medias are real human beings. You will learn the benefits of learning in collaboration if you are a developer and how Microverse can help you employ better if you are a company.

2020.07.01(WED) ~ 02(Thu)

@ Womezekir, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Main Program


An introduction about the program and what it is all about.


CEO, Almunis, TSEs, Student Success and Employers will have time to speak.


The experience of learners and companies will be presented.


Proposals on how the company should go forward will be presented.


Open discussions on current trends in business and software development will be held.

SEE THE WHOLE PROGRAM Join Microverse One 2020

Featured Speakers


Ariel Camus

Founder and CEO at Microverse

The CEO with the moto "Talent is evenly distributed, opportunity is not".


Willow Mata

Student Success at Microverse

A student success fellow at Microverse who is determined to see you succeed in your journey to become a full fledged remote Software developer.


Kevin Mwangi

Software Engineer at Microsoft

An Alumnus of Microverse with success working in one of the top tear companies in the world.


Haroon Abdulrazaq

Student at Microverse

A student at Microverse with great love for coding and collaborative learning.


Expedito InĂ¡cio de Andrade Neto

Student & Mentor at Microverse

A full time student and mentor at Microverse with very good mentoring, advisory and coding skills.


Dejazmach Molla

Student at Microverse

A full time student at Microverse with great love for coding.


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